We have many opportunities for people to gather and enjoy company with one another. If you show up on Sunday morning and either stay after our 8:00 or come early for Bible Study at 9:45 there is a social time from about 9:10-9:45am. This is a time when our members and visitors enjoy coffee, juice, snacks, and treats together. Sometimes we will have special acknowledgements or celebrations during this time as well. One thing is for sure, this is time people use to meet friends old and new. Struggles, sadnesses, joys, and all the variety of the past week are shared with one another. This is a great time. Christians are called to bear with one another in love. God loves us. We seek to love one another.
On top of this we have groups designed for service and social time together. We have two ladies groups that do a number of things in the congregation, the LWML (Lutheran Women’s Missionary League) and Lydia Circle. These two groups of ladies help foster a lot of the social time in our congregation by planning, setting up, serving, and even cleaning up. They are wonderful examples for all of us. We also gathered a Men’s Group at Our Savior where we discuss our tasks as men, play games together, take on special projects, and otherwise enjoy conversation.
The congregation is greatly served by what we call an Altar Guild. This group is one which takes care of the sanctuary, the sacred vessels used for our worship, the banners which beautify the sanctuary, the candles which remind us of Christ who is the Light of the World.
Members also partake in caring for one another. Many of our members make regular visits to area nursing homes and assisted living facilities. They can be found visiting the sick in the hospital and also in their homes. They often deliver meals to members in need. Our Board of Elders does this very well. We also have a “Member Care Group” that regularly helps those who could just use some extra care and assistance at times (shut-ins, older members, members needing rides, meals, grocery help, etc.).
We have a book clubs at Our Savior as well. If you are interested in these ask one of our pastors about them.
Opportunities for Social Engagement
We have many opportunities for people to gather and enjoy company with one another. If you show up on Sunday morning and either stay after our 8:00 or come early for Bible Study at 9:45 there is a social time from about 9:10-9:45am. This is a time when our members and visitors enjoy coffee, juice, snacks, and treats together. Sometimes we will have special acknowledgements or celebrations during this time as well. One thing is for sure, this is time people use to meet friends old and new. Struggles, sadnesses, joys, and all the variety of the past week are shared with one another. This is a great time. Christians are called to bear with one another in love. God loves us. We seek to love one another.
On top of this we have groups designed for service and social time together. We have two ladies groups that do a number of things in the congregation, the LWML (Lutheran Women’s Missionary League) and Lydia Circle. These two groups of ladies help foster a lot of the social time in our congregation by planning, setting up, serving, and even cleaning up. They are wonderful examples for all of us. We also gathered a Men’s Group at Our Savior where we discuss our tasks as men, play games together, take on special projects, and otherwise enjoy conversation.
The congregation is greatly served by what we call an Altar Guild. This group is one which takes care of the sanctuary, the sacred vessels used for our worship, the banners which beautify the sanctuary, the candles which remind us of Christ who is the Light of the World.
Members also partake in caring for one another. Many of our members make regular visits to area nursing homes and assisted living facilities. They can be found visiting the sick in the hospital and also in their homes. They often deliver meals to members in need. Our Board of Elders does this very well. We also have a “Member Care Group” that regularly helps those who could just use some extra care and assistance at times (shut-ins, older members, members needing rides, meals, grocery help, etc.).
We have a book clubs at Our Savior as well. If you are interested in these ask one of our pastors about them.