Bible Studies at OSLC
Do Not Forget My Teaching
We are people of the Word of God. We believe that the Word of God is inspired by the Holy Spirit. We believe the Bible cannot err and is in itself inerrant. We believe the Bible is efficacious, that is, it is powerful. We believe the Bible is clear. The Bible is sufficient.
Our Pastors are given the task of teaching Christian doctrine from sacred Scripture to everyone at Our Savior, from young to old.
This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.
Bible Study Opportunities
Sunday Morning Bible Study
9:45-10:30am in the Social Hall. This Bible Study is taught by our Senior Pastor and usually involves covering a book of the Bible. Often recordings of our Bible Study are posted on our YouTube channel. During summers we will often take a break from the in depth studies and both pastors will help us cover a book or selected topic (Recent years have covered selected Psalms and the books “Broken“, “Has American Christianity Failed“, and “Thank, Praise, Serve, and Obey: Recovering the Joys of Piety“)
Lutheran Faith and Life
Around a 15 week course usually on Sunday mornings from 9:45-10:30am (weeks vary by the class). Visitors, people interested in membership, long-time members, and others just wanting to know about Lutheranism attend this course taught by our Associate Pastor. The course is designed to teach the basics of what Lutherans believe, teach, and confess and how that forms the way we live our lives as Christians. The course will cover the Bible, the hymnal, and Luther’s Small Catechism.
Growing in Christ Sunday School
9:30am opening in the sanctuary led by a pastor, 9:45-10:30am in Sunday School room by our teaching teams. Children age 3 and up are welcomed and encouraged to participate in our Sunday School program. Through this program the children learn Bible Stories, Bible History, hymns and prayers. Openings will often introduce the lesson and offer time for our Sunday School choir to practice. Class time involves age-appropriate teaching done by our teaching teams (3-4 adults who take turns teaching, always having 2 adults in the room). Normal classes run from September through May and Summer Sunday School runs June-August.
Sunday Afternoon Catechesis
3:00-4:30pm on Sundays (September – Palm Sunday). Each year we welcome in new youth catechumens to our catechesis program. Children enter this two year intensive program of instruction when both the pastors and the parents agree it is a good time to start. Usually this means the child has been taught basic Bible Stories, has shown to regularly attend Divine Services (worship), and is mature enough to handle a classroom situation. Parents also attend with their children as they learn. This allows the conversation to continue at home after class and through the week. Children are expected during this time to attend weekly Divine Services, recite memory work, and other tasks as are necessary for the child to learn the faith and confess it. At the conclusion of the two years of catechesis or instruction, the child is then examined about what they believe. If they are ready, the child is then confirmed and is blessed to receive the Sacrament of the Altar as a communicant member of the congregation.
Wednesday Morning Lifelight
10:00-11:00am in the Social Hall with our Associate Pastor. This class meets every week except during the summer to go through a series of Bible Studies call “Lifelight”. The class covers books of the Bible and regularly has homework for those who want to get the most out of the study.
Wednesday Evening Confessions Study
7:00-8:00pm in the Social Hall. This class is an important one to understanding what Lutherans believe. The Lutheran Confessions (Book of Concord) are the true exposition of Scripture. In a day and age when everyone holds up their own opinion, we as Lutherans hold up the opinion of countless people before us who have taken what Scripture says and summarized it in the Book of Concord. We take what we believe seriously, and because we are a Lutheran congregation both the congregation and its pastors are sworn to believe what Scripture teaches as it is also confessed in the Book of Concord. Our members expect our Pastors to conduct all of their ministry according to the Book of Concord. Our Pastors swear at their ordination to do this as well. This study is on break during summers and the seasons of Advent and Lent.
Thursday Men’s Bible Breakfast
6:30-8:00am on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month at Perkins Restaurant on Dell Range Blvd. Men of the congregation gather with our Associate Pastor to study twice a month. Studies are often on books of the Bible but can also be topical as well. The men enjoy a breakfast together along with their study of the Word.
Saturday morning Ladies Bible Breakfast
8:45-9:45am on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month in the Social Hall. This study involves several ladies gathering to study the Bible together around a good breakfast.
Youth Night & Parent Night
6:00-7:30pm on the 4th Sunday of the Month in the Social Hall. Most months our Youth will gather to study topics and books of the Bible with our Associate Pastor and youth leaders. The evening involves a meal, some study, and some fun and games as well. Youth from other Lutheran congregations join us as well and many will bring friends to be a part. During the same time, the parents of our youth have a study/conversation with our Senior Pastor about various challenges we are facing as Christians and what God’s Word teaches and how we can help one another.
Vacation Bible School
4 days in June. Each year we have an educational opportunity for kids from our church and community with Vacation Bible School. VBS draws many volunteers together with those kids for four nights in June where children learn Bible stories, sing hymns, make crafts, enjoy themed snacks, and play fun games. The goal of VBS is never just fun, but is the truth of who Jesus is and what He has done for us.
Occasional Studies
Our Pastors will often have select times on Saturdays or Sundays in which they teach one-time classes as well. Past classes have been on topics like “How to use the hymnal at home”, “Treasury of Daily Prayer”, “The Lutheran Study Bible”, “Luther’s Home Life”, and “Establishing the Family Altar.” We also will invite guest speakers throughout the year to come and teach their expertise. Previous speakers have included Rev. Dr. Reed Lessing (Jonah), Rev. Shawn Kumm (Liturgy), Rev. Lincoln Winter (Using the Small Catechism after Confirmation), Rev. Paul Cain (Mormonism), Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison (Luther’s last year), Rev. Bryan Wolfmueller (Bumper Sticker Theology, Will the real Luther please stand up), Rev. Dr. Christian Preus (Phillip Melancthon), Rev. Todd Wilken (The Book of Concord, also a general Bible Study), and Rev. Jonathan Fisk (The Augsburg Confession as Witness tool).
Groups and Board Bible Studies
Many of our other groups which do service in the congregation and community gather for meetings and have study time built into them. Our Boards also incorporate regular study into their meetings. Our Board of Elders for example dedicate the first half hour of their meetings to study time and open that time up to any men of the congregation to attend.
We have many opportunities for study for you to be a part of. Bible Study time together is sacred time for us as Christians. Come and be a part of something sacred.