Be a Part of Something Sacred

Scriptural, historic, liturgical, Christ-centered services straight from the hymnal

Hear the Word of God

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Honor the Lord with your Wealth

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Welcome to Our Savior!
– a Cheyenne WY Church –

Our Savior is a family friendly church serving Cheyenne, Wyoming. We’re happy to have many babies in our church as well as many older members, and everyone in between! There’s a place for everyone, and everyone is welcome.

We gather each week for our worship services. This is when our God comes to serve us through His holy Word and Sacraments (this is why our worship services are called “Divine Service”). God has promised to work through them.

Worship Services

Please join us for one of our available services. If you are unable to attend in person, you can watch our livestreams on Facebook, listen live to our 8am service on KFBC Radio or listen to the most recent recorded sermon by phone at 844-556-1123.

Regular Divine Services

Sunday 8:00am and 10:45am | Monday 7:00pm


Wednesdays 9:00am

Note: For private abbreviated services, contact one of our pastors

Special Services

Dates and times for special services during the year will be announced here.

Cheyenne WY Church

Sacred Time. Sacred Space. Sacred Things.

As we are seeking the forgiveness of our sins, we know God delivers the forgiveness earned by Christ on the cross to us here and now through things like Holy Baptism, Holy Absolution, the Word of God, and Holy Communion. As we are seeking to have stronger faith in Christ for our day to day challenges, we trust that God uses these things to help us for the week to come. As we seek to love each other and our neighbors more and more, we trust again that God will work through these things to help us.

We firmly believe that God helps us through these sacred things. Worship is very important for us in our daily lives as God’s own children. We want you to be served in this same way.

Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Greeks, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink.

1 Corinthians 12:12-13

Missouri Synod Church in Cheyenne, WY (LCMS)

Our Savior Lutheran Church is a congregation of the Lutheran Church— Missouri Synod in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Rooted in Christ, we are committed to faithful teaching, worship, and service. We joyfully share the Gospel, support one another in faith, and invite all to grow in God’s grace through His Word and Sacraments.

Cheyenne WY Churches

Churches in Cheyenne, Wyoming, serve as pillars of faith, community, and service, offering spiritual guidance and support.

Our Savior Lutheran Church plays a special role by faithfully proclaiming God’s Word, providing Christ- centered worship, and fostering a welcoming community where people grow in faith, receive God’s grace, and serve others in love.